A little insight that may help you 🙂
Google is the face of your business online & in most cases majority of your traffic you will find is coming through Google.
Your Google Page in most cases does 10X more traffic then your Website, if not more!
Having products listed on Google, by service, name and type will bring in more traffic, this is why businesses pay for ads, but if you are providing a service, shouldn’t you come up anyway? So think about the below first before running an Ad
Q. Why Won’t Paid Google PPC ads help my SEO?
A. Our first responsibility with Google is to provide users with the most relevant Search results.
If businesses were able to use paid SEO methods for higher rankings in search results, users wouldn’t be getting the information they’re looking for.
When I meet prospective clientele they want to come up higher on search results, when just typing in their business name but that’s not how clients outside your prospectus target area search, that’s just the clients that know you!
If you look around your business everything you see is a Keyword, service or potential sale, most business don’t just sell one service, like a doctor or a shop doesn’t operate through one thing, we help open that scope by helping people who search for your business find you through more precise means!
This helps with ranking, traffic, organizing data better and overall is a better path to purchase in search, that lasts!
( Correct landing pages from that search etc.) ( New & Relevant Content )
Once Again: Providing the user with accurate data and information! That you provide!
Ads should be used after or in tandem if you want to scale even larger later! While you or we are building this matching DATA/SEO,
Check it yourself, look around and search for a product or service and see do you come up or contact us for a free Audit,
P.s don’t think of one, think of it all!
#Data #Search #Google #Landingpage #Seo #Broadermarket #Organisedata #peopleActivate to view larger image,