Local Restaurant – Good Local Food Photography Brings in Crazy High Returns

Google Search is worth 100’s Thousands every year to Local Restaurants & Businesses

It is by Far the Most Neglected and Has the Largest R.O.I. for Local Businesses and restaurants than other platforms.

2 Customers a day at say an average order value of 50 euro, is 100 a day 3000 Per Month ‘so if we at RYT could change that to one extra customer per hour for you’, you will be earning an additional 8400.00 per Month, and that’s just our month one impact.

On a Recent Project, we found 250 Thousand in revenue, yes 250K, a quarter of a Million a year. And it’s in motion, we found it from our actions, proven results!

We offer packages from 295.00 set-ups and 300 Per Month to help Rectify, Maintain, and Grow your local Business, soon I will do an in-depth post on how this simple everyday platform has a crucial impact on local businesses and restaurants and how little changes can make an impact of 100’s of thousands in a very high percentage of cases in every Town, City, and Village.

Photos attached are an example of things you could do to help grow your business profile,

– Correct Size Photos.

– Tags

 – High Quality

  – Logo 

– Food Photography

Making sure no matter who and where they look from they find you 🤳🏼🔍🚗🚃

RYT Media Local

Prices Fixed by Google

Currently doing call out’s in Cork

For yours email jordan@rytmedia.co.uk or hit the chat button to text me directly 


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Jordan Kidney

Google Authorized Representative
Founder RYT Media Ltd. Ireland, England & Wales
Phone: +353 (87) 399 9924